“Children who excel in specific academic areas perform or show the potential to perform at high levels of achievement … These children acquire skills in academic fields at a faster rate, with more depth and greater complexity, than other children of their age, experience, or environment” (Ohio Department of Education). The credit flexibility option is one method for meeting the needs of these learners.
The credit flexibility option allows motivated students who excel in specific content areas to extend their learning beyond the typical classroom setting. The program requires students to design and complete challenging projects for actual transcripted credit with guidance from an advisor. Credit flex projects will include authentic, holistic assessments based on portfolio and/or rubric analysis.
See BOE Policy #5460
Guideline #5460B
Qualifications for Enrollment
To qualify for the program, students must meet the following qualifications:
§ Create and submit draft plan to the Curriculum Supervisor for earning flexible credit by August 1 prior to a new school year
§ Help develop and follow the Credit Flexibility Contract with an Advisor
§ Obtain written parental/guardian approval on the Credit Flexibility Contract
§ Be self-motivated and display the ability to independently complete detailed tasks
§ Have at least one study hall during the duration of the independent study project (strongly recommended).
1. Work with the student to finalize the details related to the credit flex project and contract, including performance objectives, reference to applicable content standards, description of product(s) to be created, and the method of assessment. Most credit flex projects should be based on the upper levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (analysis, application, evaluation, and synthesis), and product(s) must reflect depth and breadth of understanding in the chosen field of study as well as credit to be earned.
2. Submit the completed Credit Flexibility Contract to the Curriculum Supervisor for final approval by the Credit Flexibility Committee.
3. Evaluate final product(s) according to the agreed-upon method of assessment.
4. Submit grade and credits earned to the Curriculum Supervisor by the due date indicated on the contract.
1. Design the credit flex project, including performance objectives directly related to applicable content standards, description of product(s) to be created, and possible methods of assessment. Submit proposal to Curriculum Supervisor by August 1. All credit flexibility projects must reflect adequate depth and breadth of understanding in the chosen field of study and according to the number of credits being considered.
2. Return signed Credit Flexibility Contract to your Advisor after it is finalized.
3. Complete independent study work during study hall, evenings, and weekends. Class time may only be used with a teacher’s permission.
4. Monitor own work in a journal/log, according to advisor’s instructions.
5. Meet with Advisor according to benchmark dates listed on the contract to report progress.
6. Students are responsible for any special costs incurred, including supplies, equipment, materials, and related expenses that are not covered for other students.
Curriculum Supervisor
1. Gather all Credit Flexibility proposals by August 1.
2. Assign an advisor to each student to begin the process.
3. Meet with the Credit Flexibility Committee to discuss final approval of each Credit Flex Contract and final plan/project. Apply appeals process if necessary.
4. Review Credit Flex contract and other program aspects with each student.
1. The student submits draft credit flex proposal to Supervisor of Curriculum by August 1.
2. The student and his/her advisor meet to discuss the credit flex proposal/project and develop the Credit Flexibility Contract for its completion and assessment.
3. The advisor submits the completed contract to the Supervisor of Curriculum for approval by the Credit Flex Committee. If the committee determines that the project needs further clarification, the advisor and student meet to refine the description.
4. The student reports progress to his/her advisor as often as needed during the project period.
5. The project must be completed according to the contract. If modifications or extensions are made, the Credit Flex Committee must approve the changes. If the student cannot satisfactorily complete the project by the end of the school year, no credit will be given.
6. The advisor evaluates the project and submits the Final Grade and Credit Report to the guidance office.
Wayne County Schools Career Center
Credit Flexibility Contract
Name: _______________________________________ Grade: _______ Date: ___________
Advisor: ____________________________________
Due date for final grade to be submitted: _______________ Credit to be earned: ___________
Project Title and Description:
Note: Projects must reflect depth and breadth of understanding in the chosen field.
Performance Objectives:
Applicable content standards:
Description of products to be created:
How project will be evaluated; description of evaluation instrument(s) to be used:
Benchmark dates for progress check with advisor:
Date 1 ____________________________ Date 4 ______________________________
Date 2 ____________________________ Date 5 ______________________________
Date 3 ____________________________
Date due Steps to be taken Resources needed
Student signature:________________________________________ Date:_____________
I have read the description of the Credit Flexibility option and give permission for my child to participate in the program. I understand that my child must complete the project by the final due date in order to receive credit. The student will be responsible for any special costs incurred in the project, including supplies, equipment, materials, and related expenses.
Parent/guardian signature:_________________________________ Date:_____________
Advisor signature:________________________________________ Date:_____________
Curriculum Supervisor signature:___________________________ Date:_____________
Wayne County Schools Career Center
Credit Flexibility Program
Final Grade and Credit Report
Student’s Name: ____________________________________ Date: ___________
Course title/name:_________________________________________ Advisor:_____________
Amount of credit:_____________________ School year:_________________________
Type of credit: _______ pass/fail _______letter grade
Curriculum Supervisor signature:
Advisor signature:
Student signature: