This page will be devoted to providing you with answers to frequently asked questions related to the WCSCC reset and restart plan. If you have a question that is not answered here please email it to us at

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why have academic classes moved to remote learning?

Academic classes have moved to the online format effective 9/1/2020.  This decision was made to protect the health of our students and staff.  By having academic classes taught remotely, we meet the following objectives:

  1. Approximately 50 Career Tech Bubbles have been created, with a maximum of 24 students per bubble.
  2. These 50 Career Tech Bubbles limit student-to-student contact to only those classmates in their career tech lab.
  3. If we continued to send students into various academic classrooms, with up to 24 different students in each class (i.e. math, science, government, and English), this would increase student-to-student contact exponentially.
  4. The 50 Career Tech Bubbles will greatly reduce the number of students potentially exposed to Covid-19 if one student tests positive, therefore, reducing the number of students needing to quarantine due to close contact exposure, per the Wayne County Health Department’s definition of close contact.

2. Why are career tech classes being taught on-site versus remotely?

  1. Career Technical Education is a very specific, skill based learning experience that is best taught in-person for optimal hands-on opportunities in a lab setting.  Although remote learning can work efficiently and effectively, on-site is the ideal choice for superb student learning.
  2. Student-to-student contact is limited to only those classmates in their career tech lab.
  3. The 50 Career Tech Bubbles will greatly reduce the number of students potentially exposed to Covid-19 if one student tests positive, therefore, reducing the number of students needing to quarantine due to close contact exposure, per the Wayne County Health Department’s definition of close contact.

3. Can my student still carpool to WCSCC with friends?

  1. Yes, but the driver and all riders must wear a mask (per Governor DeWine’s Mask Order) in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in such close quarters. 
  2. If at all possible, please have the windows down and use ventilation such as outside air, air conditioning drawing outside air in, or heat drawing outside air in on at all times.