Work-Based Learning (WBL)
A national initiative with the U.S. Department of Education
The workplace offers a unique environment for students to learn skills they may not be able to learn at school – skills that will be critical for their long-term success. A work-based learning experience links classroom lessons with real-life work experiences.
How can we support you?
- I’d like to post a job opportunity.
- I’d like to visit WCSCC and talk to students about my company/employment opportunities (what trades?)
- I’d like to tour WCSCC (entire campus, or specific trades?)
Types of WBL opportunities available at WCSCC:
Job Placement WBL: This traditional, long-term employment option allows eligible seniors to work during part of the school day in a job related to their Career Tech program.
After School/Weekend WBL: Our school day concludes at 2:30 p.m. Eligible students could work late afternoons/ evenings, and weekends.
- Do you have a special, short-term project lasting a few weeks or months?
- Could you employ a student 10 hours a week throughout the academic year?
- Is there a task on your to-do list but it always gets put on the backburner? Could one of our students take on that task for you?
- Are you preparing for seasonal employment needs?
Remote/Virtual WBL: Our students could complete tasks remotely during their Career Tech trade period during the school day.
- Transfer data from Excel into a new system for record retention.
- Design a new logo for your non-profit organization.
- Support your social media presence and marketing strategy.
A WBL experience follows these guiding principles:
- The work experience must occur at a work site, virtually or within the school.
- The work experience must be co-supervised by a WCSCC instructor or other educational representative, and an employer or business mentor.
- A Learning Agreement (initiated by WCSCC) is written based on professional, academic, and technical competencies connected to the student’s Career Tech program.
- The employer will complete an electronic student evaluation form once per grading period.
- The student and employer will use the WBL software system to submit and approve work hours electronically.
It’s very exciting to pair students with hands-on learning opportunities while introducing the endless career paths available right here in Wayne County. Fostering relationships with new, expanding, and longstanding industries is at the core of WBL as we collaborate to build and retain our future workforce.
For more information, please contact Kristin Samson, Work-Based Learning Manager at Wayne County Schools Career Center, at or 330.669.7000, Ext. 3150.