The National Career Readiness Certificate

Assuring job readiness through basic skill attainment

The National Career Readiness Certificate is based on passing ACT’s WorkKeys® basic skills assessments in the areas of reading, locating information and mathematics. ACT has generated a database with occupational scores based on job profiling which can then be matched to an individual’s National Career Readiness Certificate scores. The certificates are awarded in three categories:

Bronze Level signifies an individual has scored at least a Level 3 in each of the three core areas (Reading for Information, Applied Mathematics, and Locating Information) and has the necessary foundational skills for 35 percent of the jobs in the WorkKeys database.

Silver Level signifies an individual has scored at least a Level 4 in each of the three core areas and has the necessary foundational skills for 65 percent of the jobs in the WorkKeys database.

Gold Level signifies an individual has scored at least a Level 5 in each of the three core areas and has the necessary foundation skills for 90 percent of the jobs in the WorkKeys database.

Level scores can be used by employers for selection, promotion, or other individual high-stakes purposes. The scores are designed to be used with the WorkKeys job profiling process for employee selection and promotion decisions and to compare to occupational profiles available on ACT’s website.