Senior job placement allows students to go to work at a job related to their career and technical training instead of lab during their senior year if they are proficient in the skills taught in their program.

Seniors who do this will:
• gain valuable work experience while they are still in high school
• obtain references from business professionals in their field
• earn 3 high school credits WHILE GETTING PAID

To participate in senior placement, students must:
• demonstrate behavior expected by employers
• be recommended by their career and technical instructor, supervisor, and have approval of the principal
• maintain 95% attendance their junior and senior years (only 9 absences junior year)
• maintain at least a B average in their career and technical program and a C average in all academic classes their junior and senior years

Students learn how to get and be successful at their “dream job" by:
• completing a job application that will get a second look
• creating a dynamic resume, cover letter, and follow-up letter
• understanding how to "sell themselves" in an interview and participate in a practice interview with a business person
• demonstrating on-the-job skills and attitudes needed to be successful at work

Senior Placement will take place during the second semester of a student’s senior year. It includes 15 hours or more per week of paid, supervised, on-the-job training. The placement should be directly related to the student’s-Career Tech program. Some eligible seniors may begin placement at the midterm point of the first grading period.

For more information, contact:
Jean Boen, Placement Coordinator